Australian Entrepreneurship Education Ecosystem Map

It was Peter Drucker who said: “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”

With the future of work rapidly shifting, it is anticipated that about 75% of new jobs will require STEM, innovation or entrepreneurial skills, 40% of Australian jobs will be replaced by technology, and the next generation will have up to 20 jobs across 5 different industries during their working lifetimes.

So there is no longer such a thing as one job for life. Traditional industries including mining, manufacturing, accounting and legal services are either declining, being disrupted by increasing automation or recruiting a new digitally skilled workforce, and safety, security and longevity in any industry is no longer assured.

Therefore, the ability to reinvent oneself by learning and building new skills and cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset will be key to employability success in a fast moving technological and commercial landscape.

In Australia, primary and secondary school curriculums are not transforming quickly enough to keep pace with changes in the new globalised world of work, or adequately equipping students with understandings and pathways in emergent business sectors or the skill-based new economy. 

For Australia to keep pace with the world, we need to be teaching the next generation of entrepreneurs and innovators the fundamentals of building new businesses from an early age, in order to prepare them for the industries, jobs and opportunities of tomorrow.

In 2020, Liz Jackson - Education and Research Directorate at Sydney Catholic Schools - set an ambitious target of mapping the K-12 Entrepreneurship Education Ecosystem across Australia, to understand exactly which programs are available to school-aged students.

Supported by Chad Renando, Founder of StartupStatus, Jackson has recently successfully mapped entrepreneurship initiatives from 200+ organisations including industry, government, edtech startups and tertiary education providers.

Future Amp features in this map, alongside 200+ industry, government and edtech startups, as we continue to design and deliver industry-backed startup career pathway, entrepreneurial thinking and employability digital programs and online microcredentials to students across Australia. Future Amp will release our career education platform in BETA pilots across Australia from April 30, 2021.

Our sister company, girledworld, since 2017 has worked with 30,000+ students in 180+ schools, universities and education institutions to equip them with entrepreneurship skills, startup industry mentors and real-world understandings of entrepreneurship in practice.

Future Amp’s Cofounders Madeleine Grummet and Edwina Kolomanski both hold a Master of Entrepreneurship from Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne, are qualified in Stanford University Design Thinking and #Startup Sprint facilitation, and passionate about growing the entrepreneurial capabilities of the next generation - so they can step up to solve the problems and build the businesses of tomorrow.

The ecosystem map does not yet include schools and educators providing cross-curriculum programs and initiatives in this space. If you are an educator doing something entrepreneurial in your school please reach out to ensure this map is as comprehensive as possible, and provides a useful tool for educators across Australia to bring entrepreneurship education to their classrooms and students in 2021, and beyond.

LEARN MORE or see full map here.


Future Amp Founder Madeleine Grummet joins ABC Radio to chat Future Amp, transferrable skills + the rise of the portfolio career.


Haileybury doubles down on skills to give students an edge in the future of work.