Biggest remote learning experiment in history about to kick off across the planet.

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Thousands of parents will begin a new normal and the biggest #homeschooling and #remotelearning (and working) experiment in Australian history this week, with all Victorian schools closing on Tuesday for a month in an effort to “flatten the curve” as Covid-19 spreads across the country.

Over recent weeks, the coronavirus pandemic has changed how millions of students around the globe are educated.

And whilst this puts increasing pressure on educators, students and their families, it may also bring much-needed teaching and learning innovation, and reveal how education could change for the better - and the worse - in the long term for us all.

While none of us know what lies ahead as we all grapple with the uncertainty of the pandemic's spread, we do know that change is the only certain.

As computer scientist Alan Kay said: "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

This article from the World Economic Forum discusses three important ways the coronavirus pandemic could reshape education.

It’s well worth a read - wherever you're working - and learning - from right now.

Stay safe.

Stay indoors.

(And wash your hands :)


Future Amp Cofounder Edwina Kolomanski joins global virtual conference to share our story!


Bad news. Most of today’s teenagers are out of touch with current work trends.