Career education is broken. We joined Game Changers podcast to talk about how we can fix it.

Our Future Amp Cofounder Madeleine Grummet recently joined Cohosts of the new Game Changers podcast Adriano Di Prato and Philip SA Cummins to riff about the enterprise capabilities needed in the workers of the future, why we need to urgently start up-skilling the next generation, and how education must critically shift to meet the workforce requirements of Industry4.0 - or Australia will be left behind in the new world economy.

The conversation touched on the calcification and constraints of the current career education system - and how industry, government, startups and the education sector need to co-design a solution to bridge the growing disconnect between education systems and labour markets, in order to fill the looming skills deficit in Australia which is set to hit 29 million by 2030.

Future Amp is on a mission to do just that by equipping thousands of students with real-world skills and future workforce insights and capabilities.

Tune into the pod with Madeleine Grummet here.

Read the full article here.

Other Series 1 pod guests include Catherine Misson, Peter Hutton, Mark Hutchinson, Stephanie McConnell, Yong Zhao, Valerie Hannon and Henry Musoma. Series 2 guests include Jan Owen AM, Conrad Wolfram, Deborah Netolicky and more.
Learn more about Game Changers.


Why industry mentorship makes all the difference to young people’s futures.


Why we all need to stand on the shoulders of giants + let mentors light the way.