Watch Future Amp on Ticker TV’s ‘Innovate Today’!

Future Amp Co-founders Edwina Kolomanski and Madeleine Grummet recently joined ticker TV's Scott Kilmartin on ‘Innovate Today’ to talk about the journey so far - where they’re going next - and how the Future Amp proprietary edtech platform they’re building will connect today’s students with tomorrow's world of work.

WATCH THE EPISODE via THIS LINK (start at the 14.53m mark):

And reach out to us at if you'd like to learn more, partner with us - or work with us!

Future Amp are part of the
Future Minds Accelerator, backed by Amazon Web Services, Rio Tinto and Blue Chilli Group.


Explore STEM Career Pathways in Regional Australia!


Future Amp launches first microcredential for students!